SBB Research Group is a proud supporter of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the organization's efforts in the Northern Great Plains to save black-footed ferrets.

The sylvatic plague has jeopardized the very existence of black-footed ferrets, "one of the most endangered mammals in North America," according to the WWF. SBB Research Group has partnered with Kristy Bly, a Senior Wildlife Conservation Biologist for WWF's Northern Great Plains Program, to develop and implement new ways to mitigate the plague. In particular, the team is assessing vaccine baits for black-footed ferrets' prey, prairie dogs. They are also attempting to control fleas on prairie dogs using fipronil, the primary ingredient in Frontline® Plus products for domestic dogs.
"WWF is grateful to our partners—including SBB Research Group— who support black-footed ferret recovery in the Northern Great Plains."
Read more on pages 6-7 of the WWF's Northern Great Plains Donor Report: